Blog Posts: 2012

Blog Posts:  2012

Conducting A Trademark Audit
August 29, 2012

The Story of Baseball
August 24, 2013

Prince Harry, Las Vegas, and Naked Photos
August 23, 2012

Getting Author Publicity and the Ups and Downs of Controversy
August 9, 2012

The Key To Good Communication
August 6, 2012

How To Use Empathy Effectively In Letter Writing
August 4, 2012

Your Employees’ Grammar Skills Are Costing You Money
August 2, 2012

“The Brady Bunch” or Profiting From Corporate History
August 1, 2012

Yeats Must Have Been In A College Fraternity
July 27, 2012

Corporate History Done The Disney Way
July 18, 2012

Corporate History and Executive Speeches
July 17, 2012

Do Your Employees Know Your Corporate History?
July 12, 2012

Building A Corporate History Library
July 6, 2012

Lou Gehrig, Baseball History, and July 4th
July 4, 2012

Rural Comedy, Racism, and “The Andy Griffith Show”
July 3, 2012

The Other Wrigley Field
July 2, 2012

Building An Author Platform?  Always Go For the Porsche!
July 1, 2012

ABCs of Author Platform = Always Be Conferencing (Part 2 of 2)
June 30, 2012

ABCs of Author Platform = Always Be Conferencing (Part 1 of 2)
June 29, 2012

Auditing Your Media Library or ArchiveVideo, Film, Audio
June 28, 2012

Audit By Copyright or Learn Your ABCs
June 27, 2012

Eternal Vigilance Is the Price of Copyright Protection or Suggestions For A You Tube World
June 26, 2012

Martin Dihigo Is the Best Baseball Player You Never Heard Of
June 25, 2012

Too Old To Reinvent Your Personal Brand?  That’s A Kroc!
June 24, 2012

Bouton, Baseball, and “Ball Four”
June 23, 2012

What’s In A Team Name?  Bridegrooms…Superbas…Dodgers!  Oh My!  The Birth of Brooklyn Baseball in the 19th Century (Part 3 of 3)
June 22, 2012

What’s In A Team Name?  Bridegrooms…Superbas…Dodgers!  Oh My!  The Birth of Brooklyn Baseball in the 19th Century (Part 2 of 3)
June 21, 2012

What’s In A Team Name?  Bridegrooms…Superbas…Dodgers!  Oh My!  The Birth of Brooklyn Baseball in the 19th Century (Part 1 of 3)
June 20, 2012

Who Knows What Emotions Lurk in the Hearts of Consumers?  Don Draper Knows!
June 19, 2012

Father’s Day For All the Single Dads
June 17, 2012

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Wallenda
June 16, 2012

Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue or Celebrating “The Star-Spangled Banner” on Flag Day
June 14, 2012

J.R.’s Back and You’re Gonna Be in Trouble As “Dallas” Returns
June 13, 2012

Happy Birthday, Baseball Hall of Fame!
June 12, 2012

Don Draper Can’t Get No Satisfaction on “Mad Men”
June 11, 2012

What If Lou Gehrig Faced Tom Seaver?  Strat-O-Matic Baseball Has the Answer…Sort of
June 10, 2012

An Author’s Journey to the Baseball Hall of Fame
June 9, 2012

What if Jerry Seinfeld Owned the Mets?
June 4, 2012

“Who’s On First?”
June 1, 2012

Even Willie Mays Had Slumps
May 25, 2012

Yankees For Sale???
May 24, 2012

Dreams of the Diamond
May 22, 2012

Of Baseball and Bombshells
May 15, 2012

A Woman’s Place Is At Home Plate
May 11, 2012

Houston, You Have A Problem
May 9, 2012