FDR’s “Green Light” Letter

By the time 1941 turned into 1942, the exclamation point in the phrase “Play Ball!” became a question mark with the nation at war in two theatres, European and Pacific.  Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis sought counsel from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt...

“The Sopranos” and Food

After James Gandolfini died last month, HBO announced that it will make The Sopranos available on demand.  I just finished screening Season 1. Being a native of northern New Jersey, I get a kick out of seeing or hearing places mentioned that I know.  Los Angeles can...

“Crime Story”

In the 1980s, an NBC show about cops had it all. A new look.  Story arcs existing through several episodes.  And the elevation of lesser known actors to household name status. Hill Street Blues?  No. Miami Vice?  No. Crime Story?  Yes. Michael Mann’s production...


Yuppies existed on prime time television before we had a word to describe them.  Yuppie, of course, is a slang word for young, upwardly mobile professional. Dr. Bob Hartley was a Chicago yuppie on The Bob Newhart Show. Rob Petrie was a television comedy writer yuppie...

Lessons of “The Brady Bunch”

Like most television shows, The Brady Bunch is a fantasy.  How many families have superstar athletes and iconic entertainers visiting their homes?  Unlike most television shows, The Brady Bunch is a tremendous instructor of life lessons. Premiering on ABC in 1969 and...

1960s Sitcom Music

If music be the food of 1960s television sitcoms, play on. In the 1960s, the Beatles captained a British invasion across the Atlantic Ocean.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo inspired sitcom versions of themselves after their first American television appearance on The...