by David Krell | Aug 9, 2012 | David Krell
As an aspiring author, I study the fine art of getting noticed. It begins with building credibility, then letting people know about you, your book, and your expertise concerning the book’s topic. Author workshops feature marketers and publicists talking about...
by David Krell | Aug 6, 2012 | David Krell
Like you, I first read Shakespeare’s works around 8th grade. Like you, Romeo & Juliet topped the list. When I developed my business and legal writing lecture, Your Writing Is Your Brand, I used one of the play’s famous lines as an example of clear writing and,...
by David Krell | Aug 4, 2012 | David Krell
A letter states a request in a straightforward manner, yet the recipient denies the request. Why? Because the letter lacks empathy for the recipient. Of course, the letter writer presumes empathy belongs on his or her side. After all, the writer wants something from...
by David Krell | Aug 1, 2012 | David Krell
Here’s the story of another man named Brady. The Hollywood Reporter revealed on its web site yesterday that Vince Vaughn will be Executive Producer of a situation comedy based on The Brady Bunch. The sitcom will feature Bobby Brady as a once-divorced father married to...
by David Krell | Jul 27, 2012 | David Krell
Last night, more than 40 middle-aged men gathered at a restaurant in Midtown Manhattan as the skies threatened a downpour but delivered humidity instead. The purpose for the gathering was simple. The bond, singular. Fraternity boys grown into men, their hair a little...
by David Krell | Jul 18, 2012 | David Krell
Happy anniversary, Disneyland! Disneyland debuted on July 18, 1955 when its gates opened to the public for the first time. On the previous day, July 17, 1955, Disneyland debuted to a “By Invitation Only” crowd comprised of select guests, invited members of the press...