Hollywood on Hollywood Cops

The 1997 movie L.A. Confidential, based on the novel of the same name by James Ellroy, boasts an outstanding cast.  It served as a huge platform for Guy Pearce and Russell Crowe, two relative newcomers. Additionally, Kevin Spacey, Kim Basinger, Danny DeVito, James...

The Height Plight of Warren Coolidge

A lesson about being thankful for individuality is embodied in BMOC, an episode of The White Shadow.  The episode’s title is, of course, an acronym for the phrase Big Man on Campus.  It accurately describes Warren Coolidge, the star center for the Carver High...

Stern and Stars

The 1997 movie Private Parts, based on Howard Stern’s autobiography of the same name, has fairly rich television connections. Stern, a shock jock, portrayed himself in the story recounting his rise from a $96 a week disc jockey to the King of All Media.  His...

The Year the Indians Won the Pennant

Major League thrilled movie audiences in 1989 with its classic underdog theme.  Focusing on a fictional version of the Cleveland Indians, Major League starred Charlie Sheen as rookie pitching sensation Rick “Wild Thing” Vaughn, Tom Berenger as veteran...

“Lost in Space” (Part 3 of 3)

Ib Melchior’s special effects expert, David Hewitt, wrote a script entitled The Wizard of Mars.  At the suggestion of his financial backers, he met with Felix Feist, a television director.  Feist worked with Irwin Allen on the television series Voyage to the...