The Chronicles of Bob Greene

In 1964, the Beatles made their first live television appearance in America on The Ed Sullivan Show. The Rogues premiered on NBC, starring David Niven, Gig Young, and Charles Boyer as con men using their skills to fool wealthy people who lacked honesty, decency, and...

A Mad Man from the Reagan Era

Advertising has provided great fodder for prime television, including the characters Larry Tate of Bewitched, Kip Wilson and Henry Desmond of Bosom Buddies, Jack McLaren of The Closer, Mason McGuire and Conner of Trust Me, Ann Romano of One Day at a Time, and Don...

The Day the Lone Ranger Lost His Mask

As dawn anticipated breaking over southern California on the morning of August 30, 1979, a man two weeks shy of his sixty-fifth birthday covered his thinning hair with a cowboy hat.  Besides the hairline, age was not a serious opponent.  He was still fit and trim with...

When Batman Ruled Television

When Batman debuted on television in January 1966, it made a brief but noticeable mark on the television programming landscape.  Batman showcased Adam West as the title character and his alter ego, Bruce Wayne, residing in stately Wayne Manor along with Wayne’s...