Football and Comedy

Football, a brutal sport symbolizing man’s primal quest to conquer territory, offers humor as compelling as the viciousness of Dick Butkus, the grace of Lynn Swann, and the agility of Walter Payton. Necessary Roughness exemplifies the underdog theme, a common...

From Gentleman Farmer to Nasty Warden

Today is Earth Day, so designated on April 22nd to honor a pioneer in the environmental movement.  April 22nd is Eddie Albert’s birthday.  The first Earth Day occurred in 1970. Albert is perhaps best known for playing Oliver Wendell Douglas, a successful New...

James Bond: Spoofs, Parodies, and Parallels

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then James Bond should be very flattered indeed. Bond’s popular culture icon status inspired spoofs, parodies, and parallels aplenty.  Roger Moore portrayed Bond in the 1970s and 1980s.  He also portrayed a Bondish...