Softball, Nostalgia, and “Happy Days”

When Happy Days premiered on January 15, 1974 as a mid-season replacement for ABC, it began a 10-year journey as a refuge from the barrage of daily headlines indicating malaise, frustration, and tension—particularly in the second half of the 1970s with inflation, gas...

Star Voyagers

When Apollo 13—based on the book Lost Moon—premiered in 1994, it reminded America of NASA’s glory days.  Apollo 13, the third mission planned to land astronauts on the Moon and return them safely to Earth, did not accomplish its goal as a result of a malfunction...

1960s Spy Cartoons

James Bond ventured onto the silver screen in Dr. No in 1962, during the height of the Cold War.  Sean Connery’s portrayal of the British agent gave audiences an escape from the era’s harsh realities.  The Bond franchise inspired an onslaught of fictional...

“Crime Story”

In the 1980s, an NBC show about cops had it all. A new look.  Story arcs existing through several episodes.  And the elevation of lesser known actors to household name status. Hill Street Blues?  No. Miami Vice?  No. Crime Story?  Yes. Michael Mann’s production...

1960s Sex Symbols: Spy Girls

The success of the James Bond franchise during the Cold War inspired several imitators.  Like any trend, the spy genre invited parody.  In the 1960s, especially. Get Smart partnered Maxwell Smart, Agent 86, with a woman possessing the combination of brains and beauty....