by David Krell | Jan 26, 2017 | David Krell
William Howard Taft invented—unintentionally—the seventh inning stretch, Franklin Delano Roosevelt urged Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis to continue Major League Baseball during World War II, and George W. Bush skyrocketed American morale after the 9/11 attacks...
by David Krell | May 7, 2015 | David Krell
In the later episodes of The West Wing, Matt Santos, a Democratic congressman from Texas and a former Mayor of Houston took on Arnold Vinick, a veteran Republican senator from California for the presidency. Santos had just a few years in national politics. Three...
by David Krell | Mar 23, 2015 | David Krell
Gilligan’s Island aired on CBS from 1964 to 1967, giving television viewers a weekly escape to an oasis where silliness reigned. About 1o years after leaving prime time, Gilligan’s Island resurfaced, thanks to creator Sherwood Schwartz pondering the fates...