The Shows That Changed Television

Television’s progress as a creative medium began, arguably, with I Love Lucy, starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.  When the television series about a ditzy redhead married to a Cuban bandleader premiered on CBS in 1951, it introduced the three-camera format...

Thursdays at 10

For nearly 30 years, from 1981 to 2009, NBC defined quality television programming in the 10:00 p.m. time slot.  Hill Street Blues debuted in 1981 and changed the production of television drama. Story lines became story arcs, lasting several episodes.  Moving cameras...

Guilt and Innocence on Hill Street

To kick off its third season, NBC’s 1980s prime time drama Hill Street Blues showcased Trial By Fury, an episode with a shocking, revolting, and riveting story line of the Hill Street precinct investigating the rape and assault of a nun that results in her...

Lessons of “The Brady Bunch”

Like most television shows, The Brady Bunch is a fantasy.  How many families have superstar athletes and iconic entertainers visiting their homes?  Unlike most television shows, The Brady Bunch is a tremendous instructor of life lessons. Premiering on ABC in 1969 and...