Paul Newman’s World Series Pranks and Franks

As dusk anticipated relieving the sun of its duties during the twilight of October 3, 1956, Paul Newman hustled through the stage entrance of the Mansfield Theatre, an august Broadway institution on West 47th Street in Manhattan.  Yes, that Paul Newman. Newman was...

How To Use Empathy Effectively In Letter Writing

A letter states a request in a straightforward manner, yet the recipient denies the request. Why? Because the letter lacks empathy for the recipient. Of course, the letter writer presumes empathy belongs on his or her side. After all, the writer wants something from...

Building A Corporate History Library

A corporate history is only as good as the resources that inform it. A corporate history library, in turn, is only as good as the books that populate it. A corporate historian may want to consider the triad approach, consisting of primary books, secondary books, and...