1960s Sitcom Music

If music be the food of 1960s television sitcoms, play on. In the 1960s, the Beatles captained a British invasion across the Atlantic Ocean.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo inspired sitcom versions of themselves after their first American television appearance on The...

The Other Lone Ranger

Clayton Moore is synonymous with the Lone Ranger.  He played the character in The Lone Ranger television series that aired on ABC from 1949 to 1957.  But he wasn’t the only actor to do so. Moore departed the series after the second season, only to be rehired a...

The Lone Ranger and American Heritage

The Lone Ranger represents the American ideals of justice, strength, and courage.  His ruggedness, a staple of the hero prototype in American westerns, parallels John Wayne’s film characters, James Arness’ Matt Dillon of Gunsmoke, and the Cartwright boys...

The Key To Good Communication

Like you, I first read Shakespeare’s works around 8th grade. Like you, Romeo & Juliet topped the list. When I developed my business and legal writing lecture, Your Writing Is Your Brand, I used one of the play’s famous lines as an example of clear writing and,...