by David Krell | Apr 12, 2017 | David Krell
The tale of Lonesome Rhodes is a cautionary one. Written by Budd Schulberg and directed by Elia Kazan, the 1957 film A Face in the Crowd revolves around Rhodes, a drunk with a gift for guitar playing, singing, and folksiness. Arkansas radio producer Marcia Jeffries...
by David Krell | Jan 22, 2017 | David Krell
In the 1976 movie The Bad News Bears, Walter Matthau plays Morris Buttermaker, a former minor league ballplayer with the unenviable task of managing a team consisting of loudmouth Little Leaguers. Matthau’s rumpled persona matches the Buttermaker character like...
by David Krell | Nov 11, 2016 | David Krell
The Bad News Bears in Breaking Training gives the underdogs from southern California’s North Valley League a shot at the Houston Toros—a bigger, stronger, and faster team. Where else could the climactic game take place but the Astrodome—the post-modern Eighth...
by David Krell | Oct 29, 2015 | David Krell
Corruption rooted in ego, fame, and power forms the foundation for A Face in the Crowd, a 1957 film; Budd Schulberg wrote the screenplay based on his short story The Arkansas Traveler. Andy Griffith stars as Lonesome Rhodes, a country bumpkin discovered by television...
by David Krell | Jun 23, 2015 | David Krell
Greg Brady getting selected to be the next “Johnny Bravo” because he “fit the suit” on The Brady Bunch. Jimmy McNulty on The Wire. Any Seinfeld episode involving Frank Constanza or David Puddy. Howard Cosell on Monday Night Football. The theme...