Brooklyn Baseball

In the summer of 2007, HBO aired The Ghosts of Flatbush, a documentary about one baseball’s most beloved teams.  The Brooklyn Dodgers.  This two-part documentary drilled into the passion, celebrity, and heartbreak surrounding the team that gave the borough an...

The Most Important Person in Dodgers History

Topic:  The most important person in Dodgers history. Discuss.  This could take awhile, if at least one participant bleeds Dodger Blue. Jackie Robinson comes to mind, of course.  His courage opened the door for integration to revolutionize baseball. Branch Rickey...

The Other Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field is a baseball landmark. It thrives in nostalgia, our baseball memories contributing to its increasingly rich history. Not that Wrigley Field, “the ivy-covered burial ground” as described eloquently yet mournfully in Steve Goodman’s song A Dying Cubs...