Lucy Meets the Duke

When I Love Lucy utilized Hollywood as its setting, movie stars provided verisimilitude.  Lucy Ricardo, starstruck, attempted to meet them, often with hilarious results.  Guest stars included William Holden, Van Johnson, Richard Widmark, and Harpo Marx.  But...

The Gentleman Giant

Leader.  Visionary.  Gentleman. Leonard Goldenson.  The founder of ABC. In the early years of television, NBC and CBS had dominance, prestige, and history. ABC had Leonard Goldenson. NBC and CBS had A-list talent. ABC had Leonard Goldenson. NBC and CBS had their...

My Favorite Hero

Everybody has a favorite movie star.  For some of us, it’s an everyman, like Tom Hanks or Jimmy Stewart.  For some of us, it’s a sex symbol, like Marilyn Monroe or Jennifer Lopez.  For some of us, it’s an action hero.  The 1982 movie My Favorite...

Before He Was Colonel Potter

Before he was Colonel Potter on M*A*S*H, Harry Morgan was one of Hollywood’s cornerstone character actors.  He shared the silver screen with legends. Inherit the Wind with Spencer Tracy.  High Noon with Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly.  The Glenn Miller Story with...