Attorney, Cop, President

Jimmy Smits was a cornerstone on prime time television in the 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s. In the 1980s, Smits played Victor Sifuentes on L.A. Law, working in the Public Defender’s office before Michael Kuzak recruits him to the private sector, specifically, the law...

“L.A. Law” Retrospective (Part 5 of 8)

In the second season L.A. Law episode The Wizard of Odds, black overachiever Jonathan Rollins (played by Blair Underwood) interviews with McKenzie Brackman.  Actually, Jonathan controls the interview from the outset, referencing powerful family friends, Ivy League...

“L.A. Law” Retrospective (Part 3 of 8)

L.A. Law pushed the boundaries of network television with dialogue.  The writers employed their creativity to evade censors while maintaining script quality.  For example, the premiere episode contains a scene with Arnie Becker and a private investigator discussing...

“L.A. Law” Retrospective (Part 2 of 8)

An attempt to list all of the outstanding moments, accomplishments, and cases in L.A. Law would not do it justice (pun intended).  But a few, select pieces evidence a television show consisting of multi-layered characters, compelling story lines, and crisp writing....