Late Night Gets Crowded

When Johnny Carson was in his golden years as the host of The Tonight Show, when Yo! MTV Raps introduced Hip-hop music to Generation X, when George Herbert Walker Bush started a potential presidential dynasty in his clan, comedian Arsenio Hall took on the challenge of...

Springfield’s First Family

The Simpsons began as cartoon shorts on The Tracey Ullman Show in 1987.  It was the debut year of the FOX network.  FOX expanded The Simpsons to a half-hour show in 1989.  The Simpsons got so popular that FOX moved America’s favorite dysfunctional family from...

Man of a Thousand Voices

One of television’s greatest stars would probably be unrecognizable to most people, but his voice is burned in our collective memory.  Mel Blanc.  In fact, he had many voices. Mel Blanc’s vocal roster of characters includes Bugs Bunny, Porky Pig, and...

James Bond: Spoofs, Parodies, and Parallels

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then James Bond should be very flattered indeed. Bond’s popular culture icon status inspired spoofs, parodies, and parallels aplenty.  Roger Moore portrayed Bond in the 1970s and 1980s.  He also portrayed a Bondish...

James Bond: Gadgets and Gals

James Bond has gadgets that would make Thomas Edison green with envy for not inventing them.  Q, of course, monitors Bond’s gadgets from conception to execution. The exchanges between Q and Bond reveal how and why the gadgets can be used.  Later in the film,...