Football and Comedy

Football, a brutal sport symbolizing man’s primal quest to conquer territory, offers humor as compelling as the viciousness of Dick Butkus, the grace of Lynn Swann, and the agility of Walter Payton. Necessary Roughness exemplifies the underdog theme, a common...

Crash, Nuke, Annie, and the Bulls of Durham

“I believe in the Church of Baseball.”  So begins Bull Durham, a 1988 cinematic voyage exploring the charm of the minor leagues. Written and directed by former minor league ballplayer Ron Shelton, Bull Durham expresses a journeyman’s wisdom and...

Matthau, Madison, and Buttermaker

In the 1976 movie The Bad News Bears, Walter Matthau plays Morris Buttermaker, a former minor league ballplayer with the unenviable task of managing a team consisting of loudmouth Little Leaguers.  Matthau’s rumpled persona matches the Buttermaker character like...

Live From New York

Saturday Night Live has been a gateway to movie stardom for several cast members.  Animal House, Caddyshack, Beverly Hills Cop, Wayne’s World, Stripes, Meatballs, Foul Play, Mean Girls, Tommy Boy, Anchorman, Ghostbusters, Scrooged, and the Austin Powers trilogy,...

The Comedy and Tragedy of Bob Crane

Bob Crane became a television icon with his starring role in Hogan’s Heroes, a comedy set in a POW camp in Germany during World War II. Hogan’s Heroes aired for six years on CBS—from 1965 to 1971—enthralling viewers with missions to help the French...