James Bond: Spoofs, Parodies, and Parallels

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then James Bond should be very flattered indeed. Bond’s popular culture icon status inspired spoofs, parodies, and parallels aplenty.  Roger Moore portrayed Bond in the 1970s and 1980s.  He also portrayed a Bondish...

Archie Andrews: The Beginning

Popular culture loves its icons.  Archie Andrews is one of them. He doesn’t have superpowers like Superman or Spiderman. He’s not a vigilante like Batman or the Lone Ranger. He can’t save the universe like Flash Gordon or Buck Rogers. He’s just...

Circle Me Bert!

What is your favorite baseball nickname?  The Say Hey Kid for Willie Mays?  The Yankee Clipper for Joe DiMaggio?  Mr. Cub for Ernie Banks?  Tom Terrific for Tom Seaver? ESPN sportscaster Chris Berman christened a tongue-in-cheek nickname for Bert Blyleven with a play...

Origins: “Casablanca”

You must remember this:  Casablanca is a classic movie.  But did you know this?  Casablanca had less than auspicious beginnings. Casablanca began as a play titled Everybody Comes to Rick’s written by Murray Burnett and Joan Alison in the late 1930s.  Although...